The pros and cons of Wordpress

From the perspective of a writer (and a mild technophobe)

Caroline Cocker
5 min readJan 30, 2020

I’m not going to discuss any of the alternatives to Wordpress in this post because I’ve not tried any.

And the reason I picked Wordpress over Squarespace or Wix is kind of embarrassing.

Everyone told me to choose Wordpress. It’s the best. It’s the most powerful. It has the best support.

Is all this true?

I don’t know, to be honest. It does what I need it to do.

Everyone also told me to switch asap from Hostgator to Siteground, which I did. In my experience, both companies did the exact same thing. Sorry, Hostgator.

Now that I know about affiliate programmes (Siteground’ll chuck you £60 if someone makes a sale through your link), I’d probably have conducted my own research, but the advice has served me well.

I’m not a technophobe (well, I kinda am), I’m just…not here to talk about content management systems. I learned one, and it’s fine.

So if you’re a writer who wants to start a blog, here’s a quick rundown of the things I like and don’t like about Wordpress:

The pros

It’s extremely popular



Caroline Cocker

Writer, blogger. Rabbit parent to one. Plant parent to many. Occasional runner, jigsaw puzzle enthusiast.